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It turns out that China’s mega bus was actually a scam all along.
The exciting TEB project was seen being driven about during its testing period, yet now the vehicle sits collecting dust in the middle of the street.
It was indeed the Beijing Police that released a statement labelling the project as a scam, and are now holding 30 people linked to the company behind it.
#China‘s famous elevated #bus is now just a giant roadblock: https://t.co/8HIHfu5dyQ @CNNTech @Sherisse #TEB pic.twitter.com/jvVV6UApu9
— CNN Asia Pacific (@cnnasiapr) 20 December 2016
Huyaing Kailai, those in charge of the promising idea, also failed countless road laws. These include that any vehicle taller than 2.2m could not pass under the TEB, it would take too long to move around corners and finally, there could have been several potential accidents.
Not a good day for the company at all!
For another interesting story, check this out!