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The world-famous Boaty McBoatface is finally making its first journey.
As you all know already the internet chose the fantastic name for this new research vessel. Although as you also know, official powers rejected the name and adopted a more formal approach.
After much outcry on social media, the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) compromised and named a new remote controlled submarine Boaty McBoatface.
Long live Boaty McBoatface #mondaymotivation #LongLiveTheKing pic.twitter.com/kZcII4ulMC
— Dave the Goat (@thecasefarm) 13 March 2017
And this week the special one is finally let loose. Here are the official mission details:
This month they’ll begin their first mission, traversing a deep current that originates in Antarctica and flows through the Southern Ocean.
They’ll be collecting data for the Dynamics of the Orkney Passage Outflow (DynOPO) project as they ‘fly’ through submarine waterfalls and rapids, shedding light on how global warming is changing our oceans.
After almost a year of laying dormant, Boaty McBoatface is finally getting out and can roam the world.
Fair play to the NERC for actually listening to the public!
For another awesome story, check this out!