The fear and unknown that follows the global epidemic of the Coronavirus is one that is affecting everyone. Families fear losing loved ones, millions are out of work and the state of the economy is teetering on a string. It’s no wonder a wave of panic is sweeping the globe. It is a wonder that American’s believe that killing each other will help.
The Beginning
Let’s back up, I myself are American. I have lived here all my life and been submerged in gun culture from a young age. What I can tell you is that most of the people who are buying guns are buying them for the wrong reasons.
Obviously there is the blue-collar population in our south, which will and probably forever will be gun-friendly. Then there is the rest of us, all over the country. Some disagree some agree with our 2nd amendment. I know the one thing every American can agree on though— fear.
The Motive
The fear of one another is the motivating factor that drives millions of citizens to feel the need to bear arms. The fear of neighbors trying to steal your resources in times of crisis, the fear of gangs robbing your wealth, even the fear of humans turned zombies who are trying to eat you.
It may be shocking that in a time when fear is staring every human on the planet in the face, the people in the US are most concerned about hurting one another. My first thought would be to blame them, I myself get upset at my country’s inner workings. I mean look at our president, a lot of us are ashamed, and we’re scared our country’s future is in the hands of an imbecile. It this fear that drives the gun industry.
The Reality
The long-held institutionalized propaganda that has had an effect on how Americans see gun culture is what perpetuates this violent cycle. If anything we can’t be angry, we should be sad. Sad that a country that was meant to be one of freedom and prosperity has turned to distrust, irrational behavior and selfishness in times of a global crisis.
So, here we are in the midst of it all. Unfortunately, I don’t see America’s plaguing societal issues being addressed during such trying times. It is merely important to be able to see past the surface and look down upon a country of hundreds of millions of people who are simply put, scared sh**less.
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