Many don’t realize that tax increases would mainly affect those who have the money to afford higher taxes. But what even more people don’t realize is that a substantial amount of these upper-class people actually want to be taxed more, especially in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and its resulting financial crisis.
In a letter titled “Millionaires for Humanity,” almost 100 affluent people from various countries signed a letter asking that their money be put to use in helping to fix global problems, including Disney heirs Abigail and Tim Disney.
“No, we are not the ones caring for the sick in intensive care wards. We are not driving the ambulances that will bring the ill to hospitals. We are not restocking grocery store shelves or delivering food door to door. But we do have money, lots of it,” said the letter.
“The problems caused by, and revealed by, Covid-19 can’t be solved with charity, no matter how generous. Government leaders must take the responsibility for raising the funds we need and spending them fairly. We can ensure we adequately fund our health systems, schools, and security through a permanent tax increase on the wealthiest people on the planet, people like us,” it continues.
Filmmaker Richard Curtis is one of the millionaires to sign this letter. Ben and Jerry’s co-founder, Jerry Greenfield, also signed, having an already rich history of using his company’s platform for social activism.
“Humanity is more important than our money,” the letter concluded, which us a lesson that many world leaders and big businesses could take to heart right now.
Read about one way the UK might use this tax money to aid with COVID-19 here.