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Woman Dumps Her Boyfriend And Quits Job To Travel In A Van With Her Dog

24 year old abandons life in Indiana to travel across the US with her dog. / Mash Babkova

24-year-old Sydney Ferbrache decided to become a solo traveler and ditch her 9-5 after breaking up with her boyfriend, who previously owned a van with her, which she gave to him after their breakup.

Showing the world that she could make it on her own, Febrache purchased a $24,000 Ford Transit van after her boyfriend didn’t seem to share her free-spirited dream of living life on the road for the foreseeable future.

Indiana-born Sydney worked three jobs in order to save up for the dream van of her very own.

Ferbrache’s new van is fully fitted with a kitchen containing a fridge, stove, and sink. The bedroom contains a king-size bed that also turns into benches and a table. There is a toilet, but the van does not have a shower, so Ferbraches uses local gyms along the way.

Ferbrache keeps her many followers up to date via her podcast and Instagram, @divineontheroad, where she posts photos of her solo van life journey.

Although, Ferbrache isn’t entirely alone in her van after making the decision that she did need a companion after all, in the form of a golden retriever puppy named Ella.

After beginning her adventure earlier this year, Ferbrache and Ella have traveled to 20 different states across the US, including Utah, Montana, Oregon, Arizona, and California.

Ferbrache is able to fund this lifestyle through advertising and affiliate marketing on her website and by helping people design their own blogs.

“I cannot believe I actually made this happen”

Ferbrache spoke to the Insider about how she felt when she first set off on this adventure, “I truly felt like such a badass. I made this happen, I cannot believe I actually made this happen.”.

One of Ferbrache’s priorities when starting this independent journey was to show women around the world that it is possible to travel alone without being constrained by fears of danger:

“I really believe society has instilled in us that we should be fearful of the world and that we should have a man by our side to see things”

“I like to prove in the way I do things that’s not how we have to live our lives.”

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