Usually, purchasing a home one of the most difficult financial decisions to make, but it could get easier by moving to Bisaccia, Italy.
Recently, this Italian town put up 90 properties for sale. Each of these properties costs the same–one euro. The houses themselves aren’t exactly lavish. Actually, they are all fixer-uppers. Bisaccia is a declining neighbourhood, plagued by earthquakes and mass emigration. Evidently, the houses up for sale are physical reminders of the town’s disrepair.
Still, Bisaccia stands the test of time, and remains picturesque. Located in the southern boot of Italy, Bisaccia sits in a rural area of Campania. This incentivisation is an effort to counter declining a declining population, something that other Italian communities have done before.
Fortunately, Bisaccia’s authorities own the homes. They’re selling them with the expectation that homeowners will renovate their new properties. Interestingly, Bisaccia’s officials believe that the properties’ architecture lends to communal restoration. According to CNN Travel, Bisaccia’s deputy mayor, Francesco Tartaglia, explained,
Forsaken houses are clustered together, one next to the other along the same roads. Some even share a common entrance. That’s why we welcome families, groups of friends, relatives, people who know each other or investors to join forces. We encourage them to buy more than just one house to actually have an impact and breathe new life.
via CNN Travel
If you’re looking to start over and become integrated into this community project, just check your pocket for 85p.
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