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Student Halls Set to be Transformed into Dream Digs

Students of Glasgow you lucky people!

Picture: True Student Living

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Remember starting uni and thinking ‘wow, this place is amazing. I’m never moving out!”? No? Me either. You’ve probably looked at the Google offices before and thought “Lucky gits”

I’ll sum my student halls up for you in three points: Overpriced, Depressing and Gross. And guess what? My halls were the nice ones, we were lucky enough to get our own bathroom.

Well, our time has come to be the people that say “back in my day” and talk about how damp made our immune systems strong. Because these problems will be a thing of the past for 590 lucky students in Glasgow, who will soon be living in better digs than bloody Prince William did when he was at university. Baring in mind he went to St. Andrews, take a look for yourself:


Actually, never mind the foosball table, is that a slide?!

You’re probably wondering how anyone would be able to afford this? and you’re right £150 per week is steep. But it includes bills and internet which I’m assuming will be lighting fast. I bet it will be toasty warm too, no five layers of PJ bottoms just to get to a cosy enough temperature to go to sleep.

Not only will they get toasty toes and internet that can actually upload your essays to turnitin. But, they will also get a karaoke room (because the one in town is always rubbish), a bloody cinema (because who can afford the cinema when you’re a student) and of course, a cafe. God forbid they don’t have a cafe. I bet it will have loads of good food, and coffee. This students will have superpowers after one semester.

 And, if you want to get a closer look at the new digs. Or you know, just get really sad like i did. Watch the video below!

But, what makes this sting EVEN MORE is that I’m at university in Scotland, so close but so far. If I’d just gone a little further to the west…if only.

If you enjoyed this, why not check out this article. I bet that these will be available in the cafe.

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