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A Solid Apology: Woman Finds $40 And Half A Blunt For Scratch On Car

Good enough?

Good enough?

Generally, whenever you come back to the parking lot and there’s a scratch on your car, you just have to deal. However, it looks like there are some extra perks to living in Colorado if you’re lucky.

Mandi Shepard was on her way out of work last Sunday when she found a scratch on her car. It wasn’t until a little later as she was driving home that she noticed that something was up with her mirror. When she went to check it out, she noticed a note attached.

The note said:

“Hey I am very sorry truley. I am such a dumba**. Please forgive me.

Sorry 4 the scratch man.”

Along with the note were 2 $20 bills and the rest of a previously lit blunt.

It apparently turned her day around:

“I was laughing so hard on the way home that somebody took the time to leave me a note and leave me money and half a joint,” Shepard said.

She’s going to try to use the $40 to buff out the scratch, but is at a loss at what to do with the rest of the apology.

“I’m not a smoker. I’m a runner,” Shepard said. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with it.”

Even if she doesn’t use the blunt, it’s the thought that counts.

Here’s an interview:

If you’re looking for more wild experiences with weed, then you can watch these people try weed for the first time.

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