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YouTube “Star” Logan Paul Apologizes Following Upload of a Vlog Containing a Real Dead Body

Paul’s latest vlog filmed in Japans infamous “Suicide forest” has caused widespread disgust among his 15 million YouTube subscribers and the public alike.

Credit: YouTube/Logan Paul

Paul’s latest vlog filmed in Japan’s infamous “Suicide Forest” has caused widespread disgust among his 15 million YouTube subscribers and the public alike.

The vlog in question has now been removed from YouTube, showing the vlogger and his friends discovering a dead body in Japan’s Aokigahara Forest at the north-western base of Japan’s Mount Fuji. Known to the outside world as the ‘suicide forest’ it has become internationally known as one of the world’s most popular suicide sites.

During the deleted video Logan Paul and his gormless companions initially spot the corpse from a distance, and by their behavior, it would seem as though the group was unable to accurately identify the figure as a dead body.

After closer inspection, Paul finally identifies that it is indeed a dead body. In this instance, I imagine a normal human being would stop filming and contact the authorities. Paul chose to continue filming the deceased and even begins to laugh at the situation.

In continuing to film the deceased and even being somewhat jovial about the situation Logan Paul has robbed this person’s final moments of dignity, had has shown that he is an abhorrent human being that does not deserve the fame, fortune, and admiration that has been bestowed upon him by his many followers, many of which are children. Fellow YouTuber Kavos uploaded his own scathing review of the video before it was deleted.

Warning: Contains content relating to self-harm or suicide

Up until his latest stunt, it had been a very good year for the 22-year-old internet sensation. His YouTube channel became the fastest ever to reach 10 million subscribers and this year it notched up 2.8 billion views.

In the early hours of Tuesday, January 2nd he posted this apology on Twitter.

I must admit, until yesterday, I’d never heard of this Logan Paul fella. Yes, I live under a rock and only surface for luncheon meat and energy drinks. After some research, I’ve decided I really wish I could go back to not knowing who he is.

His attempt to defend himself under the pretense of raising awareness for suicide prevention is as hollow as his skull. The apology reeks of a man more worried more about his career than the devastating ramifications of his actions. Full of unfeeling platitudes and clichés.

“With great power comes great responsibility.” To use this statement just shows how egotistical he is. Not once does he mention the deceased or apologize to the family of the boy they so carelessly disrespected for views. His apology is as self-obsessed and conceited as he is.

If this article or anything related to the issues in question has angered you feel free to comment below. If you are suffering from any issues contained in this article and need to talk to someone in the UK you can call SANEline on 0300 304 7000 4.30pm – 10.30pm daily or alternatively The Samaritans 24/7 on 116 123.

Here’s another story on the battle to prevent suicide….

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