After a bankruptcy in 2013, the social network app Bebo is making a return to the app store next month.
The network, which launched in 2005, stands for ‘Blog Early, Blog Often’ and surpassed Myspace at the height of its popularity. On the app, users could post blogs, pictures, videos, and questionnaires while also messaging people within their network.
After the company’s bankruptcy, the domain was acquired by Amazon in July 2019.
The company announced on their official website, “Bebo is coming back in February 2021 as a brand new social network. We are currently in private beta.”
By releasing the app as a “brand new social network”, Amazon has full creative control over what features from the original version of Bebo they would like to renew.
Perhaps ranking your friends should be left in the past.
There’s no specific launch date, other than a release sometime in February. However, those who have been granted a sneak peak are able to log in with private passwords on the private beta.
Unfortunately for anyone hoping to revisit old pictures or blog posts from their previous account, the website adds, “PLEASE NOTE: All old data and photos were lost many years ago and are not recoverable. Sorry.”
People have responded well to Bebo’s renewal. Taking to Twitter, one user said
“BEBO is coming back. I repeat BEBO is coming back. LOL, this could be very interesting. Remember when you would fight your friends because you weren’t in the top 12 friends. Also fighting to get the love hearts for the day… take me back!”
Credit: Twitter
All in all, those who used Bebo back in its prime are stoked to log back in.