One seller on Craigslist decided to never be accused of pulling the wool over someone’s eyes.
Sometimes you can’t really be sure what you’re buying on Craiglist. You wouldn’t buy something without seeing photos I’d guess. But even then, the flaws of an item can easily be hidden. I would presume that the description of a car for example would have to be incredibly honest. Plus, it should sound perfectly reliable before you meet up with a stranger clutching hundreds of pounds…
Someone had obviously made this mistake with Craigslist in the past and decided to be brutally honest so that there was no confusion. His car was a piece of trash, and he was going to make sure everyone knew about it.
I’m sure we’d all take some of this hilarious honesty over outright lies any day!
Pretty funny right? I’d love to know whether the car actually got sold after such a glowing appraisal…
Twitter loved this blunt style to selling, so maybe brutal honesty worked like a charm!
Will you be selling your car this way in the future?