A Facebook post on iconic page ‘RateMyPlate’ has gone viral.
The page – a well-known corner of the internet – has amateur chefs upload photos of their cooking. Strangers then rate their plate in the comments. It is well-known, mostly, for atrocities of cooking, and the savage comments left on posts.
This post was credited to an Amy H, and called ‘Roast Dinner Cupcake’. Whilst that probably should have been a clue that the photo wasn’t of an actual roast dinner, but a cupcake, plenty of people still mistook the post for a regular plate. I guess that’s just a sign for how good the cupcake was.
In typical RateMyPlate fashion, many people took to the comments to give their review of Amy H’s post, still thinking it was just a normal roast.
One person commented: ‘Awful frozen shite, where’s the absolutely fantastic stuff gone?’. When pointed out it wasn’t a real roast, but a cupcake made to look like one, he changed his tune. He replied to his comment saying: ‘that looks fantastic, good job’.
As the post went viral, clocking up 3.6K likes, the comments came flooding in, numbering just under a thousand.
There was a lot of praise for Amy, one woman saying, ‘That is phenomenal’, and another commenting: ‘100% thought it was a real dinner! How the hell did you fit all that on a cupcake?? Great work!!’
Many kept to the comedic side of comments, though, like this person, who said: ‘You made the meat out of fondant and still managed to overcook it ……….. FFS Amy!!’
Who Is Amy?
It turns out, Amy is a self-taught baker who founded a business of her own. Amy’s cupcakes does specialty cakes and cupcakes for collection, ranging from Homer Simpson’s head to Rick and Morty themed birthday cupcakes.
If you liked her roast, check out her Instagram for pictures of many other tiny meals on top of cupcakes.
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