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Food & Drink

This Sonic Curry Will Turn Your Poop Blue

SEGA have really outdone themselves this time.

From video games to curry; it seems nothing is safe from getting the Sonic treatment.

Ah, Sonic the Hedgehog. This franchise plagued the 90’s, you couldn’t go anywhere without seeing blue hedgehog themed merchandise.

Starting out as a mere video game character, Sonic exploded in popularity and had his face slapped on pretty much everything.

However, I don’t think anyone quite expected this next move.

SEGA decided one way to celebrate this iconic character was to release an extremely strange novelty item: a curry that will make your poop blue. If that isn’t an indictment of the current state of the Sonic franchise I don’t know what is.

This Japan-exclusive (of course) curry sauce is an… appetising? Yeah, sure, appetising blue colour to really remind you that it’s SONIC. Apparently it has a beefy flavour too. If that sounds appealing to you in any way whatsoever then you’re gonna have to hop on over to the land that created hentai for some blue-poop inducing curry.

If you’re just morbidly curious, you can take a look at this montrosity in this YouTube video. YouTuber Retro Core makes it. Unsurprisingly enough, he decides to describe the results instead of showing them. Honestly, I think we should probably be grateful for that.

Here’s the TL;DW:

I can tell you one thing though, two days after eating it my poop was blue for the whole day and then some! Talk about a WTF moment!

I was a bit unsure that I really wanted to put that stuff in to my mouth. It made my tongue and teeth blue and even turned my poop blue two days later. Not only that but it also turned the toilet water blue.

What’s scary is that stuff was inside my stomach for two days before it came out so is the inside of my stomach also blue? Even [worse] is that it took four trips to the toilet before the blue had gone.

That… doesn’t sound entirely safe. Moral of the story: don’t buy wacky stuff from Japan, kids! ESPECIALLY if it’s related to Sonic.

Oh look, this isn’t the first time this has happened. Turns out, Mario cereal is also a thing. Honestly, it’s not even a surprise at this point.

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