Sushi Singularity is a new restaurant opening in Tokyo, Japan in the year 2020. Their goal is to custom make sushi for each individual that best applies to that person’s dietary needs based on their DNA. Sounds pretty cool, right?
We’ve all heard of that takes a swab of your DNA and proceeds to tell you everything there is to know about yourself and your family. Well, thanks to Open Meals, they are creating a way to use this information to build a sushi menu. Sushi Singularity plans to send it’s customers a DNA kit before they ever come to the restaurant to analyze their DNA. They will then take this information and build a custom menu for the individuals that includes sushi of all different shapes and textures.
But wait … it gets even better. Have you all heard of a 3D printer that allows you to basically print just about anything 3D? Well, with the help of Open Meals, this restaurant plans to take the information they receive from the DNA kits and use a 3D printer to print out the sushi for its customers! I mean we know that technology is advancing so much that it is taking over the world, but now food too?! I’m not quite sure if I trust a robot to print my food, but it’s still pretty cool to think about. So if you find yourself in Tokyo next year, check it out and let us know!