You’ll probably have heard excited talk of McDonald’s delivery service debuting in the UK for a while now. Well, plans have been finalised, and McDonald’s delivery service is, indeed, coming – this summer, with a trial service beginning in June. The nation is about to get a whole lot unhealthier…
This isn’t just great news for students and your average stoner or booze hound, but for most people. It might not be great news for their health, sure, but what can you do? People just love McDonald’s. Uber Eats or Deliveroo are the most likely mediator services to be picked for the job, which could foresee tough competition for JustEat (even though Indian takeaways are obviously better than McDonald’s). The new delivery service will work in conjunction with a McDonald’s app, allowing you to order food to your door via your mobile. In other words, we’re all doomed.
In the meantime, KFC home delivery has already landed…well, in London, at least.