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Dating Apps As Well? The Simpsons Just Keep Predicting More And More Things

The Simpsons writers are better at predicting the future than Nostradamus.

Credit: 20th Century Fox

It is almost that time of the year…new seasons of our favorite shows returning for new seasons! What did you think I was talking about, Christmas? Anyway, many TV shows are returning next week and the anticipation is building to see what will infold for our favorite characters this season. Many series are expected to return for regular length seasons, unlike 2020 where they were drastically cut because of the pandemic. The Simpsons have always been scary accurate at making predictions about the future so what is in store for us this season? That is the question on everyone’s minds.

The writers and creators of The Simpsons have made many predictions about the future that have actually come true! Donald Trump becoming President of the United States, the map for the electoral college in the 2016 election being nearly 100% accurate, dating apps and the internet taking over our lives, a global pandemic, and so many more. They’re better than Nostradamus at predicting the future it seems.

Predictions for 2021…How Many Have Come True So Far? What Will 2022 Have In-Store?

[Credit: Screen Rant/YouTube]
[Credit: andres musta/Flickr]

Seems to me that when any of us are looking to the future, either our own or the world, we should be consulting The Simpsons instead of any other source. I joke of course but it is crazy how accurate their predictions have been. Regardless of how you feel about the show, it is hard to deny that there is something special about this show just for this reason alone. It is the longest-running TV show still making new episodes but this is a unique superpower almost. No other show will come close but anything is possible!

Click here to read more about how the creators are so unique.

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Hi! I'm Amber. Cars, food, TV, books, and writing are all things I enjoy. Put me on a beach somewhere and I'll be the happiest version of myself. Thanks for reading my articles, enjoy! :)

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