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Automation is changing drastically as machines take over the world. Although this may seem like a good thing according to the lazy people out there, this also means fewer jobs.
In the next 20 years, machines will run almost half of all jobs usually performed by humans. In fact, humans will have time for their other passions in life like pizza for breakfast and playing video games all day.
Due to the entrance of the Information Age, our jobs are being taken over by machines.
In 1979, General Motors employed more than 800,000 workers and made about $11 billion. In 2012, Google made about $14 bill and employed only 58,000 people. Can you see the difference?
The Internet is killing jobs as well. In 2004, Blockbuster had 84,000 employees and made $6 billion in revenue. In 2016, Netflix had 4,500 employees and made $9 billion in revenue.
Furthermore, innovation in the Information Age does not create more jobs. As machines are breaking down complex jobs into many simplistic ones, factories and industries no longer need human workers.
Moreover, automation is increasing day by day with self-driven cars and robotic accountants.
Robots just landed in the workplace a few years ago. But now they are expanding their skills and moving up the corporate ladder. Why? Because of their high productivity and retention rates, thus leading to replacement of human workers.
The future seems pretty scary to me with all these machines always around us. It reminds me of the 1986 science fiction film, Maximum Overdrive, where machines came to life and took over the world. This scenario is the same, but we are willingly doing this to ourselves.
If you are on the side of the machines, you should definitely check out this hologram Cortana!