Tislas. Veteran’s Day flag, funeral, death, headstone. Retrieved via
The men and women of this country who choose to put their lives on the line every day so we can have the freedoms we sometimes take advantage of, are those who should always be respected, honored, and remembered for their service and sacrifice. Their families also make sacrifices that not all of us can even fathom. So this Veteran’s Day, and every day really, we will honor and celebrate our Vets!
When is Veteran’s Day 2019? It is on Monday, November 11th. According to Nicolette Accardi (nj.com), it is “the eighth of 10 federal holidays in 2019 with Thanksgiving and Christmas to follow” (nj.com 1). Accardi goes on to say that Veteran’s Day was first observed “in 1926 with its purpose being to remember all U.S. military veterans, past and present. The only state that doesn’t observe Veteran’s Day is Wisconsin” (nj.com 1). Why this is not a nationwide observation I don’t know because the least we can do is honor those who have given so much for us.
Here is a video about Veteran’s Day.
Now since this is a federal holiday, that means government offices, the post office, and other offices similar to these are closed on Veteran’s Day. UPS and FedEx will still make deliveries (nj.com 2). But the most important thing to do is to remember our fallen, honor our heroes and their families, and reflect on everything that sacrifice for all of us on a daily basis. I just want to say that to all of our Veterans, current and retired. A special thank you to my grandpa who served in the Korean War and came home to his family and his New York Yankees. Thank you Vets!