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‘Unschooling’: What Is It and Why Is It On the Rise?

Unschooling has taken the internet by storm, so many millennial parents are turning to this method of teaching. While the idea is wonderful and fosters discovery, there could be hidden consequences that can affect your child.

Vanessa Ho/Trill Mag

Parents, especially in the wake of social media, are looking for the best tips and tricks to help raise their kids.

Some techniques, such as “gentle parenting” and “authoritative parenting,” have been used by parents to help raise their kids.

Now, there’s a new way to raise your kids that many Millennial parents are turning to called unschooling.

Unschooling has some great benefits for children. It allows children to learn and retain information better than a traditional curriculum. Children are given responsibility, which gives them accountability when it comes to their education. Unschooling also allows for focused learning, which will set a tailored pace in which the child is learning certain subjects.

This method of learning also allows children to become motivated to learn. It allows them to become excited and curious about the world around them. Unschooling, on the surface, has a lot of positives. Yet the method holds a complex history and a less-than-savory media perception. So, is unschooling really worth it?

History and rise of unschooling

Unschooling is a form of homeschooling that allows children to gain knowledge in a lesson-free and curriculum-free environment. It emphasizes and encourages kids to learn through their actions. To allow the children to explore for themselves, because it makes them hold onto information better.

Unschooling was created by John Holt in the 1970s as an innovative form of homeschooling through a newsletter called Growing Without Schooling written by Holt. The term was derived from the phrase “deschooling,” which is the process of moving a child from a traditional education to homeschooling. This technique of teaching did not gain traction until recently.

Man stacking colorful blocks with young boy
A parent teaches his child at home. (Image: Pexels/RDNE Stock project)

This teaching method started gaining traction on TikTok in 2020 while families were still in lockdown. Many parents, especially Millennials, saw this method as a better way to teach their kids instead of having them engage in Zoom classes. Once schools started opening up again, many parents decided to transition to unschooling their children.

Unschooling and social media

Ever since 2020, unschooling has rapidly become incredibly popular on TikTok and Instagram. Mom content creators, such as Kelsey Rhae (@thekelseyrhae) and Mami Onami (@mami.onami), have documented their experiences of unschooling their kids. Both content creators have had a positive experience with the method, citing that it teaches them life skills they would not get with a formal education.

There are also content creators who were unschooled growing up and have shared their experiences with the method. Skyler, also known as @alongsidethesky, looks back on their unschooling days fondly. They explain that unschooling allowed them to pursue their passions, such as political activism and art. Yet, there are also some former unschooled kids who had a very different experience.


What did unschooling look like for me on a day-to-day basis? Well, it looked different every day! Here is a peak. #greenscreen #homeschooling #unschooling #grownunschoolers #play #fyp

♬ Dance You Outta My Head – Cat Janice

On the other hand, Indigo, also known as @yuckindigo, aired her grievances on TikTok about being unschooled. She had an awful experience with it and cited it as making her so behind the average kid. She states she had to learn how to read through YouTube titles. She eventually begged her parents to let her attend high school, which they allowed. Indigo was so behind due to unschooling that she failed out of high school before she could graduate.

Public perception and consequences

Many parents praise unschooling as a way to allow their children to explore their surroundings and gain firsthand experience with the real world. This tactic helps kids retain information better and have fun in a learning environment. Yet many people see unschooling as a lazy form of parenting or neglect.

Many people on social media have pointed out the flaws in unschooling, such as the child possibly having gaps in their knowledge. According to the unschooling method, if a child is not interested in learning how to read or write, they don’t learn those skills. Not learning skills such as reading, writing, and math can cause a child to become extremely behind in their education journey. Which could lead to major consequences down the line, such as securing a job.


part two explain why I think unschooling being legal is a loophole for child neglect?#unschooling #unschoolinglife #homeschooling #foryoupage #foryou

♬ original sound – Indigo

People have also pointed out that unschooling is an “easy way out” of teaching your kids. By allowing them to explore on their own, unschooling takes the burden of raising the kids off of the parents and places it on the child. It allows the parents not to have to keep a keen eye on their kids. No child should ever have to fend for themselves, and if they do, that is considered neglect.

The root of the issue

Unschooling is not a valid form of homeschooling. It’s a pseudo method that allows for the illusion of learning and is a careless way to raise your kids. While some aspects of unschooling can be great if mixed in with a proper curriculum, such as Montessori schools, however, on its own, it is child neglect.

If you try unschooling in its purest form, there will be severe gaps in a child’s education. Children are stubborn and opinionated. They would rather engage in fun tasks they love, such as playing on their iPad, than work they see as difficult, such as reading. Yet, it is your job as a parent to raise your kids and teach them so they can function in the real world once they become adults. Failing to do so will make life extremely hard for your child.

@mami.onami highlights and hacks! – ask for the family line at security, at customs, at Amtrak, there is one! And there’s no one in it. – watch the Montessori movie with Leila Bekhti – embrace looking like a tourist! It’s rad that you get to travel – ride-on suitcases for kids, and pack SO light. – as always; plan ahead. If you know you want to have these options for your kids, don’t rely on anyone financially but yourself. Not even your partner or planned partner. YOU. I planned this life 40k in debt with $70 in my bank account, and then actually did something about it. I educated myself, just like my kids do now. As the Parisians say: “allons-y”. Let’s go. #diyordie #unschooling #kraftwerk #worldschooling ♬ Europe Endless (2009 Remaster) – Kraftwerk

As a parent, you are responsible for your child, period. Any decision you make for your child will impact them for the rest of their life. Instead of setting them up for failure, maybe it would be best to explore other teaching methods that would enrich your kids with important knowledge.

The best method

Parenting is extremely hard, end of story. And everyone also does it differently. Yet, sometimes, the best thing for your child might be different than what you needed as a child. Every kid has a certain set of needs, so it’s important to take that into account when making this incredibly important decision.

The best method of teaching your kids is the method that allows them to flourish and learn. They will be able to retain information and gain life skills that will benefit them in the future. Formal education is the most common, but homeschooling or Montessori schools are also great options. If your plan includes some aspects of unschooling, that’s incredible.

Yet, with every Skyler in the world, there’s an Indigo. A person who wishes their parents made a very different decision when it came to raising them. A person who had to deal with the consequences of a decision they did not make for themselves. Parenting is no joke and is often overlooked by our culture.

Yet, it is so important to be cautious regarding decisions on how to raise your kids. Because if you make the wrong one, it could affect your child’s life.

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Editor at Trillmag. Writer previously at Trillmag (Culture) and Untitled Magazine. Senior Vocal Performance and Journalism major at NYU.

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