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Why Does Time Get Faster As We Get Older?

Time moves too quickly as we get older…but why?

Time moves too quickly as we get older...but why?

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Everyone has wondered at some stage in their life as to why time gets faster as we get older, and one writer has really hit the nail on the head.

Various online comments relate the phenomenon of time to parenthood, with the phrase “they grow up so fast” a prime example of the connection to raising children.

Others point to religion, such as the quote “I found God at the age of 30 and every day since I have been waiting to go to His kingdom. I am now in my 80’s. Oh, the days have been so long, but the years have been so short.”

However writer Philip Yaffe came up with his own perspective:

“Whatever the nature of our individual lives, we all anticipate things important to us. Then after they happen, we look back at them. For example, most school children look forward to the long summer vacation, which always seems to be an eternity away. Finally, it arrives. Then, almost before they blink an eye, it’s over and they are back in school again.

Progressing from primary school to secondary school is another excruciating anticipation for a youngster, especially if the move is perceived as being an important step away from childhood into adulthood.

And so it goes. When anticipated, each new significant event seems to be excruciatingly far away. However, after the event, we regularly look back and exclaim. ‘Did it really happen that long ago?’

The older we get, the more milestones we have to look back on. So the farther and faster they appear to recede. So if sometimes the clock may seem to have stopped, the calendar always continues racing ahead.”

Pretty interesting stuff!

For another awesome story have a look here!

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