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TV & Film

Will ‘Easy-Bake Battle’ Return for Season 2?

Easy-Bake Battle, Easy-Bake Battle Netflix, Easy-Bake Battle plot
Image Credit: Netflix

Home cooks get a chance at $25,000 in the new Netflix cooking competition series Easy-Bake Battle.

The competitors are trying to cook in the iconic Hasbro toy in the show, and the actual show takes things in a different direction. It’s more about home chefs whipping up gourmet meals with specific challenges and kitchen hacks, like using nothing but frozen food or waffle iron to create something delicious and easy.

Easy-Bake Battle does feature a version of the easy-bake oven, but in the series, it’s a much larger and more traditional cooking utensil than the old-school toy with a lightbulb fixture. You might be hungry for new series after watching all eight episodes.

Easy-Bake Battle season 2 updates: Will there be another season of Easy-Bake Battle

As of October 16, 2022, Netflix has not announced whether or not the show might be in need of a reboot. In the current streaming climate it’s easy and cheaper to produce new content. It is possible that they will continue producing unscripted products like this one.

Netflix is constantly releasing new shows and reviving old ones as individual seasons or on streaming services such as Amazon Prime. But it’s not always guaranteed. Sometimes, a show may get released but doesn’t catch fire with audiences due to low popularity and lack of marketing, leaving that show off the Netflix Top 10. Only time will tell if Nailed It! will be able to enter the prestigious Netflix Top 10 lineup.

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