Firefly Lane is Netflix’s drama streaming television series that debuted on February 3, 2021. The show is based on a historical fiction novel by Kristin Hannah, and the book was on a 2009’s The New York Times Best Seller list for 28 weeks. The show is said to conclude with two seasons, and the second season will be divided into two parts, and the first part is scheduled to be released on December 2, 2022.
The show is created by Maggie Friedman and stars Katherine Heigl, Sarah Chalke, Ben Lawson, Beau Garrett, Ali Skovbye, Roan Curtis, Yael Yurman, and Ignacio Serricchio. The plot shows two teenage girls’ journey in the 1970s, and their lives will be seen from the 1970s to adulthood in the early 2000s.
According to Netflix, the show was watched by 49 million people in its first 28 days after its release. It stands with an average rating of 5.53/10. The viewers appreciated the chemistry between Sarah Chalke and Katherine Heigl.
The upcoming season will take off from last season’s cliffhanger, where we were left with the fight between Tully and Kate. As the first nine episodes have already been released, fans get to see some well-deserved teasers about the reasons behind their fallout. We were teased throughout the episodes, which means that there is a huge reason behind the quarrel.
Let’s talk about the funeral that shocked fans.
Let’s give you some spoilers!
The episodes took us to a car accident in 2004. It showed Tully driving the car and the paramedics finding her pretty banged up behind the wheel. Unfortunately, nobody knew who was with her. This mysterious personality was revealed during the last episode. After finding out the story, the only person who died this season is Kate’s father, Bud.
For further updates on Firefly Lane’s, please stay tuned.