If you weren’t already excited enough for David Attenborough’s Blue Planet, there’s now a second trailer. David Attenborough teams up with composer Hans Zimmer Join and the trailer they’ve produced is out of this world.
The first trailer:
Attenborough has been bringing it to the table for years now. We all have fond memories of him growing up, and there are countless nature series that were simply unforgettable. From the original Blue Planet, Planet Earth, The Life of Mammals, they’re all incredible therapeutic and fun to watch. Now, everyone is getting hyped for Blue Planet 2, and with reason.
The New Trailer:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAphgHhlteM]
Published on the 20th October by BBC Earth, the trailer serves to give us an insight to what this fascinating new series has to come. The series intertwines the fun nature facts we all love, with the important topic of climate change. If the youth are going to listen to anyone about climate change, it’s Attenborough. The series focuses on the struggles our current ocean faces along with the beauty it maintains. The new trailer contains clips of some of the weird and wacky creatures Attenborough will be investigating. The shots are so high res, they seem almost clearer than real life! Think it’s safe to say a LOT of people will be tuning in for this. If you’re not excited, you’re probably lying to yourself.