Troll is an upcoming Norwegian film that is planned to make its debut on December 1, 2022. The film is directed by Roar Uthaug and penned by Espen Aukan and Roar Uthaug. It stars Ine Marie Wilmann, Kim Falck, Gard B. Eidsvold, Pål Richard Lunderby, Mads Sjøgård Pettersen, and Eric Vorenholt.
The film concentrates on an old troll who wreaks fatal mayhem after being aroused in a Norwegian mountain. The plot moves as a group of heroes come together to protect themselves from this walking disaster. A courageous paleontologist is signed up to scrutinize and shift its course as the army is shown making preparations to handle this King Kong-sized monster.
The film‘s trailer was released on YouTube on November 2, 2022, where it was unveiled that the plot will concentrate on an epic saga of human survival when a legendary troll reawakens from its 1000 years of sleep. The trailer promises a Large-scale effort reminiscent of the MonsterVerse films, blended with some light-hearted banter between the characters and a remarkable creature layout. Trailers consist of a sequence of selected shots from the movie at different notes.
Troll seems like a coming-back project for Uthaug, not only because he’s back working in his country after a short Hollywood detour. The alarming tone, the widescreen sceneries of the landscape, and the ensemble strategy will make you recall The Wave. The only difference is the exchange of a natural disaster with a more outlandish one.