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For those who are fans of the 1982 sci-fi classic, Blade Runner, you will undoubtedly drool over the new trailer for the upcoming sequel, Blade Runner 2049. People are losing their minds over it and here’s why:
Firstly, Ryan Gosling. Yes please. I think that’s about all that needs to be said.
Secondly, Harrison Ford is back. Hell yeah! Sure, he’s much older, but the film takes place thirty years after the first film, so be nice. It makes sense. He’s obviously not going to be the same dashing young pilot and smuggler that he was back in the day. Wait… wrong movie. Sorry.
Thirdly, Denis Villeneuve is the director of this highly praised sequel. Quite honestly, he’s the man for the job. With his absolutely stacked filmology, and his most recent hit Arrival, it’s hard to picture anyone else directing this film.
Lastly, the visuals will melt your brain. From the trailer alone it is obvious that this will sweep many academy awards for its visuals and effects. However, for those true film nerds out there, you already know why… you can’t have Denis Villeneuve without Roger Deakins! For anybody that is not familiar with any names behind the camera, Roger Deakins has been the cinematographer for legendary films such as No Country For Old Men, Sicario, Prisoners, The Shawshank Redemption, and many others. Not only does he share a strong working relationship with Villeneuve, but he’s worked with the Coen Brothers, Sam Mendes, and countless of other great directors. Some people are even saying that this may be Roger Deakins’ best work yet.
Evidently, the hype for this film is understandably real, and frankly there is no better time to come out with a new Blade Runner. This coming October 6th we’ll find out if it will live up to the hype, which many fans are positive that it will. Check it out and see for yourself.