The White Lotus is a comedy-drama anthology television series that follows the guests and employees of the fictional White Lotus resort chain. The show was written and directed by Mike White, and the series has been airing its second season since October 30, 2022.
The season has released six episodes, with the latest aired on December 4, 2022, and it was titled “Abductions”. The season will conclude on December 11, 2022, and fans anxiously wait to see who will leave the cast.
In the previous episodes, we learned that Daphne Sullivan is already dead, as her body has already been found along with Valentina. But apart from these two, we can expect to see the death of either Portia, Lucia or Cameron Sullivan.
The reason Portia is her poor life decisions; she has already been done with Jack. Lucia, on the other hand, Lucia has been the most likely suspect to die as she is tied up in the affairs of the hotel’s guests. She has also been part of a debt agreement, and her chances could be better. Now, let us move to Cameron. He is selfish, arrogant, rude, and downright entitled, and nobody will miss his character. Our biggest bet is that either Ethan or Daphne will kill him.
Nothing is set in stone, and we can be wrong, or perhaps our Guesses will come true. The only way to find the truth is to watch the final episode scheduled to be released this Sunday at 9:00 p.m. ET on HBO and HBO Max.