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The Top 20 Memes That Prove Arya Is The Real MVP Of Game of Thrones

This post is dark and full of spoilers — Arya to win The Iron Throne?

Credit: HBO

First of all, this article definitely has spoilers. Secondly, it’s not our fault you don’t watch Game of Thrones and you never will — good for you, this post is also not for you. And number 10, if you haven’t seen the last episode PLEASE DO NOT SCROLL DOWN. We warned you!

Arya Stark and all around badass scored some major points with the latest episode. With the White Walkers and Wights surrounding Winterfell, everyone wondered just how they could be defeated — all our most beloved characters were gathered in one central place and it had some of us at Trill! shook. Everyone’s favorite small warrior was feeling the struggle when the Red Woman asked her, “What do we say to the God of Death?” Arya smirked and replied, “Not today.” And boy oh boy, did she deliver.

Image result for arya
Image via Elite Daily

What follows are our favorite 20 memes and tweets from that episode. Enjoy them, share them, and be sure to tune in this Sunday for the next episode! There will definitely be more memes to come.

First of all… HBO > MCU. Don’t @ us.
Image may contain: Game of Thrones season 8 episode 3 memes, Game of Thrones memes, Game of Thrones, meme, reaction, GoT, season 8 episode 3, funny, tweet, review, memes 2019, Female, Art, Painting, Human, Person, Fashion, Cloak, Apparel, Clothing
Bless us, MVP.
He is currently deceased. Again.
Do not mess with us. We tired, wearing makeup, and have had it up to HERE.
She came in softer than a whisper tho.
Ironman and A Girl Is No One for the win.
For real, she has had a list of people to kill since forever.
Here comes the bride.
Image may contain: 3 people, beard, meme and text
But he is so proud — see below.
Heartwarming as heck!!
We might need him to do the commentary if we lose anyone else next episode.
Image may contain: 4 people, meme and text
Always room for a dad joke!
Stick them with the pointy end.
37 memes you'll only understand if you watched this week's 'Game of Thrones.'
I lied, we love the MCU peeps.
37 memes you'll only understand if you watched this week's 'Game of Thrones.'
I could have used less night mode in the last episode, TBH.
Check back next week to see if this prediction is right!
Or it could end like this… we will have many strongly worded letters for the writers though. Like, writer to writer — don’t do it!
37 memes you'll only understand if you watched this week's 'Game of Thrones.'

While Cersi was down in Kingsland with her Drunk Pirate Pal, the true queen in the North was killing it. Literally. Tune in next week for more! Until then, don’t forget: The North Remembers.

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