The Chosen is an American religious, historical drama television series that is said to be the first multi-season series about the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. The show focuses on the people who encountered Jesus and shows Jesus “through the eyes of those who met him.”
The show made its debut on December 24, 2017, by Angel Studios. It is directed by Dallas Jenkins and written by Tyler Thompson, Dallas Jenkins, and Ryan Swanson. The plot is based on one of the four canonical gospels, The life of Jesus in the New Testament. As of yet, the show has completed two seasons.
The third season aired on November 18, 2022, and its second episode is scheduled to be released on December 18, 2022. It is called “Two by Two” and is directed by Dallas Jenkins. The episode can be streamed on The Chosen TV website at 7 PM Eastern Time. The previous seasons are also available on Prime Video and Peacock.
In the previous episode, we saw Judas Iscariot officially being called by Jesus after he gathered his followers to take a break in ministry. Yussif ends up investigating and writing a record about Jesus sharing the letter of Nicodemus with Jairus. Andrew is now ready to focus on and listen to Jesus. Judas gave all his possessions to his sister and followed Jesus. Matthew goes home and reconciles with Alphaeus.
The show has received positive reviews from the Audience and has been rated 7.80/10 by the viewers. Fans enjoying the storyline eagerly await the arrival of the upcoming episode.