Comedy Central has announced the longest-ever episode of the animated show South Park to be released on 30th September, which will address all the challenges 2020 has thrown at us in its own unique way.
South Park, which has now been running for over two decades years, is expected to address the coronavirus outbreak as it returns with The Pandemic Special episode. This is said to be an hour-long, meaning it will be the longest in the show’s 23-year history.
The special will see Stan’s father Randy comes to terms with his role in the COVID-19 outbreak, as the virus presents challenges to the citizens of South Park.
As schools in real-life have just returned, the children of the fictional town will go back to their schools to find everything has changed from normality. The students will find their teachers, homeroom and even Eric Cartman are almost unrecognisable.
Written and produced by creators Trey Park and Matt Stone, the special will also address all the other 2020 dramas viewers will have experienced.
This news comes nearly a year after Comedy central renewed South Park for its 26th season. The network has reportedly notably opted for animated late-night shows over scripted live-action shows. We have yet to see any information surrounding the official premiere date for season 24.
For more 2020 realism, take a look at Netflix’s ‘The Social Dilemma’.