The series Once Upon a Small Town is an adaptation of a famous web novel by Park Ha-min. It tells us about the blossoming love story of a big-time city veterinarian from Seoul (The capital of South Korea). His grandfather fools him into returning to the small countryside village while he (grandpa) tours around Europe.
While living in the rural village, he comes across a striking police officer with whom he tries to begin a romantic relationship. The log-line for the wholesome series, via Leisure Byte, reads: “Against his wishes, a veterinarian from the big city relocates to the countryside, where he meets a policewoman, a town insider with a friendly secret.”
In the case of original shows, Netflix usually releases all the episodes so viewers can binge through the entire show in one sitting. However, for Once Upon a Small Town, this is not going to happen.
The first episode of the upcoming wholesome rom-com is supposed to premiere on Netflix on Monday, September 5th, 2022. The following episodes will then be released every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, moving forward. The season finale is scheduled to happen on September 28th. However, this date is not fixed. So, the audience must stay updated on our website for the latest news regarding this series.