As Netflix announces that the live-action adaptation of the well-known manga series One Piece will premier this year, the Straw Hats are ready and all are prepared to set sail.
The first season poster was posted on Twitter along with fantastic news from Netflix. The first official One Piece posters have Inaki Godboy as Straw Hat Luffy, while the other features his crew in front of Going Merry, their pirate ship. Unfortunately, all the characters are visible from behind, but the billboard gives viewers a glimpse of One Piece’s live-action cast. A significant character issue is avoided by the poster’s clear picture of the primary cast for One Piece Season 1.
Since there is already ten official, full-time member of Luffy’s Straw Hat crew in the anime and manga, it will be difficult for the Netflix One Piece adaptation to decide which members to present in its first season. While the cast for Luffy, Sanji, Usopp, Nami, and Zoro have all been finalized, the sixth Straw Hat, Chopper the reindeer, needed to be created using computer graphics. It has thus been challenging to predict whether Chopper would join Luffy’s Straw Hat team in One Piece season 1.
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The choice to wait until Season 2 before presenting the Going Merry’s “emergency food supply” is justified since throwing the development of Chopper as a CG-animated figure into that melting pot is significantly too big for One Piece Season 1 alone. Although criticism will undoubtedly remain, the Netflix One Piece TV series’ possibilities of success have increased because of the decision to delay solving the issue of Chopper.