In a recent episode, fans noticed a coffee cup casually sitting by and HBO had a great comeback.
We all know that sometimes after working and being up for several hours you need a little caffeine boost to keep you going. So it’s no wonder when actors are constantly downing coffee on set to make our favorite TV shows and movies. However, it can seem like a little problem when it is spotted on set while the camera is rolling, and isn’t edited out in time before it is aired.
In episode 4 of season 8 of Game of Thrones, fans recently noticed a stray coffee cup, from the popular brand Starbucks, sitting on a table in front of Emilia Clarke’s character, Daenerys Targaryen. Naturally of course fans freaked out because this is totally not a time where Starbucks is a thing in the show. I mean, Starbucks doesn’t even exist in this fantasy world.
HBO recently released a statement saying, “The latte that appeared in the episode was a mistake. Daenerys had ordered an herbal tea.”
Haha, very funny HBO. What a great comeback to a tiny mistake.
As of Tuesday, though, HBO deleted the coffee cup from the scene and it will no longer be in future airings of the episode. Maybe this will show them to pay super close attention to every little detail, at least more than what they obviously already do.