Love Without Borders is a reality television series that follows the lives of five Americans as they bid goodbyes to their old lives and step into a universe where they will find their better halves. These people are chosen with a similar mindset where they must trust their guts and their matchmakers.
The show made its debut on 30th November 2022 and its latest episode is scheduled to be released on 21st of December 2022. It can be watched every Wednesday at 9 PM ET on Bravo’s official website. The episodes can also be watched on Peacock.
The show is based on the format that no one knows where their soulmate is. They travel to the country of their lovers and are greeted with much enthusiasm. They need to alter their vision and looks and try their best to adapt to this new life. All this struggle is done to achieve true love and the life that they always wanted.
The cast includes Aaron Motacek, Naeem Thompson, Gurleen Virk, Danna Richards, and Philip Michael Thomas Jr. These people find their partners with the help of Arica Angelo. In her guidance, they pack their bags and grab their passports to achieve a good and happy relationship.
Here is the list of its upcoming episodes so you won’t miss any drama. Write down these Wednesdays in your calendar!
Episode 5: 21, December 2022
Episode 6: 28, December 2022
Episode 7: 4, January 2022
Episode 8: 11, January 2023
Episode 9: 18th January 2023
Episode 10: 25th January 2022