Marvel’s viewers for the new Ant-Man movie might shrink down to a microscopic size after the new trailer. The new trailer just dropped and reactions have been mixed. While some people are excited about the movie, others are not. This trailer made viewers feel like there was not much to be surprised by, but is that true?
What was in the Trailer?
The trailer opens with some narration by Kang. He mentions that the thing that Ant-Man wants most is time, and then the trailer goes into things we’ve seen in other trailers. The big issue with the trailer is that it sets up the idea that Ant-Man and Kang will work together throughout the movie. On it’s own, this is a fine idea, but when the trailer cuts to Ant-Man fighting Kang later on, the trailer loses it’s luster. There were some other things in the trailer, such as showing a goofy looking M.O.D.O.K, the big issue is the conflict between Kang and Ant-Man.
Has Marvel Done This Before?
Marvel does have a habit showing off major reveals in their trailers. The biggest example might be one of the trailers for Captain America: Civil War where Spider-Man is shown off. Most recently, the trailers for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever showed the new Black Panther, but didn’t reveal the identity. The new Ant-Man trailer didn’t do this. The trailer set up an idea for Ant-Man and Kang to work together, but then shoots itself in the foot by showing what happens afterward. The problem with this trailer it shows the resolution to the problems rather than just letting the problems sit with the audience.
Is This a Death Blow to the Movie?
This trailer didn’t leave a great impression with viewers, but it’s not neccessarily a death blow. Marvel’s marketing will probably make a new trailer hiding some of the details fans have already complained about. While there has already been a lot of online discourse from this trailer, if Marvel is smart, they can make a new trailer that most of the general public will see before the movie comes out. Although, considering that the movie comes out in a month, the chance is pretty slim. If you want to read about what the endgame will be for this saga of MCU movies, then check out this article!