Highway Thru Hell is a Canadian documentary series that debuted on September 4, 2012. The show follows the operations of Jamie Davis Motor Truck & Auto Ltd, and it is a heavy vehicle rescue and recovery towing company based in Hope, British Columbia. Mark A. Miller, Neil Thomas Great Pacific Television, and Kevin Mills create the show.
Blizzards, landslides, and other natural disasters could happen at any time on the highways and roads on which the show and business are focused. When Neil Thomas’ truck broke down on the street, the business services, he had the initial idea for the show. Jamie Davis’ employees had helped them get their car back. After a year, they decided to approach the business and propose to put on a show for them.
The plot focuses on the hardships of operating along the highways of the BC Interior, especially the Coquihalla Highway (Coq). It stars Jamie Davis and Colin McLean and Cam Niño, Al Quiring, Gord Boyd, Cary Quiring, Jason Davis, Chris Mervyn, Ken Duperon, Dylan Greenwood, James Luke, and Mitch Karr.
Highway Thru Hell has finished ten seasons, and the eleventh season debuted on September 26, 2022. Discovery channel will air the eleventh episode of this season on December 5, 2022. In this episode, the crew rescues two completely helpless trucks. In the end, A vehicle ends up falling down a dark and deep road. The episodes air at 6:00 pm PT and 9:00 pm ET. Fans can also catch the show on CTV, YouTube, and Apple TV.