In 2018, Netflix intended to adapt C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia series. This was when everyone was aiming to snap up high fantasy properties due to the massive success of HBO’s Game of Thrones.
Netflix’s plan with Narnia was to take off from zero to the cinematic universe; it hired Coco co-writer Matthew Aldrich to create a network of shows and movies set in the world beyond the wardrobe. It may have taken a while to get things right, but according to What’s On Netflix, it’s closing in on Greta Gerwig to direct two Narnia movies.
There are not many details about these Narnia movies. Does Netflix wish to adapt Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia books from front to back, beginning with The Magician’s Nephew and moving through The Last Battle? Or might Gerwig be doing some kind of spinoff or prequel?
Disney and Fox attempted to adapt The Chronicles of Narnia as a series of movies back in the 2000s on the track of Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, which was the last time Hollywood went through a high fantasy craze. Those movies did good and then just kind of vanished. Perhaps Netflix will make it better this time.