The comedy series “On My Block” from Netflix enjoyed a four-season run after debuting in 2018 and swiftly winning over fans and reviewers. Freeridge is a spinoff that follows Gloria and Ines, rival siblings, and their friends Demi and Cameron as they unintentionally release a curse that leads to terrible disaster and a brand-new adventure.
Suppose you’re watching the brand-new Netflix series for the first time and wondering how old the Freeridge cast is. The actual ages of Freeridge’s cast members are listed here.
Keyla Monterroso Meija portrays Gloria Salazar, a second-year student at Freeridge High. Kayla’s birthday is unfortunately unknown. She is believed to be born in 1998, which suggests she’s between 24 and 25 years old.
Bryana Salaz portrays Ines Salazar, a first-year student at Freeridge High and the younger sister of Gloria. Bryana was born in Florida on August 25, 1997, making her 25 years old.
Ciara Riley Wilson portrays Demi, a second-year student at Freeridge High. She was born on March 26, 2001, making her 21 years old.
Tenzing Norgay Trainor portrays Cameron. He was born in Plantation, Florida, on September 4, 2001, making him 21 years old.
Zaire Adams portrays Andre, Cameron’s boyfriend, whom he ignores constantly. Born on November 8, 2000, Zaire is 22 years old.
Peggy Blow portrays Mariluna. She was born in Karlsruhe, Germany, on June 5, 1952, and is 70 years old.
Jami Alix portrays the TikTok witch, Cinnamon. Born on April 25, 1994, Jami is 28 years old.
Michael Solomon portrays Tonio’s assistant and an undergraduate transfer at Freeridge High. Born on February 19, 1998, Michael is 24 years old.
J.R. Villarreal plays Tonio, Ines, and Gloria’s unemployed uncle. He was born in Houston, Texas, on September 28, 1992, making him 30 years old.
Freeridge is currently available on Netflix.