The official trailer for the spinoff series, “Freeridge,” premiered on February 2, 2023, and was released by Netflix on Friday, January 6, 2023. The story of the show centers on a group of friends who are thrown headfirst into a wild new adventure after casting a deadly curse. If you like On My Block, Freeridge must be the next on your list of shows to watch since it will have many callbacks and perhaps even a few characters from the original Netflix series.
Is it okay for children to watch?
Freeridge is classified TV-14 for language, like its parent show, On My Block. Given its TV-14 rating, the program may not be appropriate for viewers under 14. However, the program is entertaining for older viewers as well.
While Freeridge is neither graphic nor explicit, parents should know that it contains harsh language, numerous sex jokes and connections to sex, and other mature themes. If your children have seen On My Block, they should be able to watch the spinoff without any concerns because Freeridge is a bit less violent and frightening overall than On My Block. Additionally, Freeridge hosts parties and underage drinking.
Is it different to ‘On My Block’?
The spinoff’s first season, created by Jamie Uyeshiro, Lauren Iungerich, Jamie Dooner, Jeremy Haft, and Eddie Gonzalez, was unveiled on September 27, 2021. Old fans should keep an eye out for some new updates even as Freeridge completely discards the original cast and the legacy that On My Block left behind. New viewers may see a different part of the ‘Freeride’ series through the perspectives of a different gang.
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Release Date
The first season of Freeridge will be released on Netflix this month. Each of the eight episodes in the first season of ‘Freeridge’ lasts no more than thirty minutes.