Emily in Paris is a well-known romantic comedy television show that follows the life of aspiring marketing executive Emily Cooper as she moves to France to hand an American point of view to a French marketing firm. The show made its debut on October 2, 2020, and has been renewed for a third and fourth season in January 2022.
The show was watched by 58 million households in the month of its debut and remained in UK’s top 10 list for 40 consecutive days. Emily in Paris focused on Emily’s struggle and adventures as she adjusted to life’s challenges in a different country and tried to comprehend all the cultural differences.
The show stars Lily Collins as Emily Cooper, Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu as Sylvie, Lucas Bravo as Gabriel, Lucien Laviscount as Alfie, William Abadie as Antoine Lambert, Camille Razat as Camille, Bruno Gouery as Luc, Samuel Arnold as Julien, Ashley Park as Mindy Chen, and many more.
Season three of this romantic comedy was released on December 21, 2022, with ten episodes on Netflix. The show got a mixed and average rating from the audience, and Lily Collins was praised for her winsome performance. Unfortunately, the show lacks character development and is often said to like using a social media handle, which is pretty to look yet lacking any depth.
In the previous season, fans were left at a cliffhanger where Emily was seen conflicted about her choice of living. The episode opens with Emily working to meet all her demands while still conflicted. The episode was chaotic, with her love life filled with trouble and her work life in a mess. The season ends with Gabrielle’s talking to Emily about his reason for the sudden marriage while Alfie decides to leave.