A new psychological thriller series is now streaming on Netflix! The French show, Black Butterflies (Les Papillons Noirs) follows a novelist named Adrien hired to ghostwrite for an older man named Albert. But as he starts to write down Albert’s story, Adrien finds himself drawn into Albert’s dark, bloodstained past.
Since original thoughts are hard to come by, Adrien reluctantly agrees to take on writing the ghostwriter position. Albert wants someone to write about his time with the love of his life, Solange, from the 1970s to today, including even her unexplained frequent travels.
The trailer for the new movie sounds like Albert is giving Adrien all the tools he’ll need to help him solve an old cold case that haunts him. As Albert says, his story can’t be told by just reading a book or listening to a podcast, and it will take someone who has lived it to understand. That’s where Adrien’s talent will come into play.
Is Black Butterflies based on a true story?
It’s important to note that the events depicted in Black Butterflies are fictional. Olivier Abbou and Bruno Merle created the series, storylines, and characters.
Black Butterflies episode count
Here are the episode lengths of the series so you can decide if it’s right for your schedule:
Episode 1 – 1 hour
Episode 2 – 55 minutes
Episode 3 – 49 minutes
Episode 4 – 57 minutes
Episode 5 – 44 minutes
Episode 6 – 1 hour 4 minutes
Black Butterflies cast
Here’s the complete cast list:
Niels Arestrup as Albert
Axel Granberger as Young Albert
Nicolas Duvauchell as Adrien
Alice Belaïdi as Nora
Sami Bouajila as Carrel
Lola Créton as Young Catherine
Henny Reents as Nastya
Marie Denarnaud as Mathilde
Alyzée Costes as Solange
Brigitte Catillon as Catherine