Ash Ketchum, aka Satoshi, is leaving the gigantic Pokemon franchise for good! It was declared earlier this month during the release of an episode of Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series. In that episode, the journey of Ash’s dream to earn the title of World Champion of the Pokemon world was finally achieved.
Viewers first saw it 25 years ago, in 1997. Since the release of this franchise, there have been so many episodes related to the series, with Ash and his friends setting on a new adventure every week without worrying about reaching the ultimate dream or end of the anime.
The franchise started in the first place when we saw Ash leaving his town to become the world’s best Pokemon trainer.
The most recent instalment of this franchise, Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series, has been going on for three years now, and the recent events of the series focus on the tournament that will determine the World Champion of the Pokemon.
The Studio in charge of the Pokemon franchise declared that Ash’s journey would end when he achieves his dream of 25 years of screen time.
This might be shocking for the old fans, but the anime studio has finally decided to end the journey of Ash which we thought would never come to an end.
But there will be a new series beginning in the spring of 2023 that features new characters in the franchise with dreams, Pokemon, adventure, and a lot of things.