The Dumping Ground, also known as The DG, is an ongoing British children’s television theater sequence that made its debut on CBBC on 4 January 2013. The show is a continuance of Tracy Beaker Returns, having thirteen thirty-minute episodes. Tracy Beaker Returns is a British television program founded on books written by Jacqueline Wilson and is the sequel to The Story of Tracy Beaker.
The show focuses on the lives and adventures of the young populace who live in a children’s residence with their care workers under supervision. As of yet, the show has completed nine seasons and is on its way to airing its tenth season. The tenth season appeared on 30 September 2022, and its first half is scheduled to have twelve episodes. The plotline deals with problems associated with the care system and social matters such as companionships, lineage, associations, mental health, youth, discrimination, and LGBT parenthood.
The latest episode was aired on 25 November 2022. It was titled “Trapped” and directed and written by David Innes Edwards and Paul Gerstenberger, respectively. The upcoming episode is scheduled to be broadcasted on 2 December 2022 and is titled “The Hardest Word”. It will be the 192nd episode of the show.
The show has received positive reviews from viewers and has won many awards, including, Best Children’s Television Script, Best Drama, Interactive: Adapted in 2015, Performance of the Year, and more.
The storyline is said to be one of the most woke sequences on the channel within the BBC world, where we glimpse youngsters coming to terms with the tangible facets of life. There is normally a priority on two personalities at once, with the second one serving as the subplot.