On 22nd February 2021, the world encountered another dark day as French electronic music duo, Daft Punk, announced their split in a cinematic video titled ‘Epilogue’ on YouTube.
The pair have been together since 1993 and have created some incredible music collaborating with artists such as Pharrell Williams, The Weeknd, and Nile Rodgers, whilst also providing music and samples for Kanye West and soundtracking for the Disney movie Tron: Legacy. These achievements do not even include their own albums which won several awards at the 2009 and 2014 Grammy’s. It is fair to say that Daft Punk has been in our millennium vernacular for years and it was a sad day to see their departure from the music industry.
On their latest video titled ‘Epilogue’, the video shows two masked figures in futuristic attire walking in the desert. There is suddenly an explosion and a black screen appears, amplified by a wave of electronic music which states ‘1993-2021’; an emotional but poignant end to their 28-year long era.
Keeping in line with the millennium culture, the response on Twitter was astounding, with an influx of memes commenting on the cataclysmic event, as always, with a touch of humour and sass to break through the heartbreak.
It’s an ‘Alexa-play-Alive 2007-on-repeat’ kind of week.
And of course, with recent connotations of masks and face coverings, there were some COVID related memes that at this point might be our sole motivator in lockdown 3.0.
Global response noted the sadness of being unable to see Daft Punk in concert again, especially in post-Covid life, with many arguing a Daft Punk concert was one of their lockdown motivators. However, it is with 12 Grammy nominations, 6 Grammy awards, 4 studio albums and a legacy of music that will last a lifetime that the duo finally retire.
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