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Joe Keery From Stranger Things Has Released His Debut Single ‘Roddy’

Actor Joe Keery (a.k.a Steve Harrington) from Stranger Things has just come out with a new single ‘Roddy’.

Image by Amy Sussman

Following the tremendous success of Season 3 of Stranger Things, Joe Keery, a.k.a the famed Steve Harrington, released the single Roddy. On top of being a great actor, Keery is now shocking us with his musical talent.

Off camera, the 27-year-old spends his time creating music, and has actually been doing it for some time now. Once the singer and guitarist of the band Post Action, he unfortunately had to leave the group due to time-constraints. With the band, he released two albums, as well as toured. It’s fair enough to say that creating an entire album versus a single makes for quite the difference in terms of time-consumption.

Under the name Djo, which I’m not even sure how to pronounce, Keery announced his new song on Instagram. Take a listen, and you’ll be surprised.

The song’s definitely carrying an alternative/indie style, and it isn’t half bad. I can safely say that it does not follow a lot of the generic music of today, rather it’s got a touch of an old-school vibe to it. Connecting the actor and his song to the character he plays is definitely shocking, and I’ll probably be watching the show a bit differently now. 

Keery isn’t the only one from Stranger Things making music. There’s also Finn Wolfhard (Mike) who’s a part of the band Calpurnia, and Gaten Matarazzo (Dustin) who’s in the band Work in Progress. It’s pretty cool to know that on top of their great acting abilities, they are working hard towards other talents. 

For the Stranger Things fans out there, check out the new Stranger Things Monopoly which actually sounds so cool. 


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