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Robert Irwin Has ‘Déjà-Vu’ Moment After Being Bitten By Same Species of Snake As His Father

‘I got too close, so it gave me a bite!’

Shutterstock/DFree/Everett Collection

Some people revisit memorable locations, look through old pictures or rewatch old videos to feel a connection to loved ones that have passed.

But, in the Irwin family, memories are cherished through getting bitten by the same snake species!

Revisiting Old Memories, The Irwin Way

Robert Irwin, the son of the late conservationist Steve Irwin, took to Twitter and Instagram to share a ‘déjà vu’ moment, where he gets bitten by the same snake species as his father did decades before.

He revealed his close encounter with the carpet python on Twitter with the caption:

‘I found this python on the side of a road, but as you can see, sometimes snake rescues don’t quite go to plan.’

Instragram, @robertirwinphotography

After attempting to rescue the python, he explained to viewers that he got ‘a little bit too close’ and, as a result, suffered a pretty bloody bite on the nose.

Despite what seemed intimidating to the average person, Irwin kept his cool, cleaned himself off, and continued his video as usual.

In the video he clipped together for his social media, he compares himself and his father after suffering the near identical attack.

They both have the same calm reaction as they continue to explain the carpet python’s defense mechanisms and general mannerisms, despite blood beginning to drip off their faces.

In the original video, Steve Irwin continues explaining that carpet pythons ‘can be aggressive.’

Steve Irwin, 2006. Credits: Shutterstock/Everett Collection

Robert took a similar approach, explaining how the snakes have ‘extremely sharp teeth, like little needles.’ Both father and son refrain from blaming the animals they’re handling. Robert showed himself to be a fantastic continuation of his father’s work.

Luckily both endured the bite with minimal injury, but comments praised Robert’s calm attitude and similarities to his father back in the day.

One reply on Twitter read, ‘Made me tear up a bit. He’s proud’.

Another said, ‘Man, you look more like your dad daily. Awesome to see you being a positive influence on us all like he was. We all remember him fondly, and he would be very proud of you’.

Another said, ‘Handled it just like your dad. I was always amazed at how he kept his cool. He was terrific, your dad. He had a way with Earth and its creatures. I know he’s smiling on his family. Y’all are making him proud.

Robert Irwin’s Contribution to Wildlife Conservation Since His Father’s Passing

After Steve’s passing in 2006, while filming a documentary in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, his son continued his conservationist work, including a television series ‘Crikey! It was the Irwins in 2018.

He advocates for wildlife conservation and helps raise awareness about the importance of protecting endangered species.

Robert now works with his family at the Australia Zoo, which helps with research and rescue for all kinds of animals.

The family owns and operates the zoo, and a non-profit organization called ‘Wildlife Warriors,’ which supports conservation projects worldwide.

In addition to this, he has also begun doing professional wildlife photography, which he shares on Instagram. They have also been featured in photography exhibitions across Australia and globally.

Written By

Hiya, my name is Megan! I am currently studying towards a degree in Journalism in Cardiff. I am in my third year, and my goal is to be a successful writer for a women's magazine one day, and possibly specialise in media law! I want my brand to be feminine, meaningful and boundary breaking. Some things about me: Christmas is my favourite holiday, even though summer is my favourite season and I am the oldest sister, daughter and grandaughter!

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