Keeping It Real Online released this ad to encourage parents to talk to their kids about real relationships vs what they see online when they look up porn. The ad involves two pornographers reminding a mother that her child has access to them on multiple devices and that she should talk to him about consent and real relationships before it’s too late. As an added bonus you get to see her child walk out of his bedroom in shock to see his mother talking to two naked porn stars, it’s hilarious!
Keeping It Real Online is a New Zealand Government campaign that aims to educate parents and caregivers about their dangers their children could face on the internet. They offer advice on talking to your child about online bullying, pornography, online grooming and more.
When it comes to pornography, they don’t shy away from the conversation and they suggest parents shouldn’t either, “It’s normal for young people to be curious about sex. The best way to support them is to have open, honest conversations about what they might see and how it’s different from real sex and relationships.” If you have kids check out the Keeping it Real Online website for great advice on how to start the conversation and why it’s so important.
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