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NASA Releases Details Of Organization’s UFO Investigation

NASA reveals information on the organization’s UFO investigation efforts.

UFO Investigation
An unidentified flying object captured on video by a U.S. Navy jet. (Image credit: DOD/U.S. Navy)

As reports of what were once traditionally labeled UFOs (unidentified flying objects) continue to pour in, NASA is taking these phenomena incredibly seriously. In fact, in response to a report from an independent committee of experts in fields such as astronomy and aviation safety, NASA has gone a step further by appointing a new director of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) research.

UAP is the term NASA now uses for UFOs, and this committee was tasked with gathering and analyzing reports of UAPs to understand their nature and origin, including the possibility of extraterrestrial involvement.

This committee held a press conference in May to provide an update on its work at that time. They discussed various explanations for UAP sightings, from low-lying boats to high-flying balloons, and acknowledged that many events remained unexplained.

Now, the committee has released the full report of its findings, along with recommendations for NASA’s ongoing research. While the report makes it clear that there is currently no evidence linking reported UAP events to extraterrestrial activity, it doesn’t rule out any possibilities for those sightings that remain unexplained.

The report outlines NASA’s response to these findings, including the creation of the new role of director of UAP research. Initially, the agency withheld the name of the appointee to protect them from potential harassment, but later revealed that Mark McInerney, a former NASA liaison to the US Department of Defense, would fill the position. This appointment aligns with NASA’s commitment to transparency regarding its UAP research.

Additionally, NASA is exploring the development of a smartphone app to facilitate the reporting of UAP sightings. By harnessing the vast number of high-tech detectors available on smartphones, NASA aims to collect high-quality data and images to improve future investigations.

The report also underscores the potential role of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in analyzing patterns within UAP reports. AI’s ability to spot subtle and unexpected trends could be instrumental in understanding the causes behind these mysterious events. While NASA isn’t counting on identifying extraterrestrial life, it’s not ruling it out either.

In a coincidental development, the same week the report was released, a journalist in Mexico presented alleged “mummified aliens” to the country’s Congress, claiming they had been discovered in Peru. These claims include assertions of non-human DNA, although independent verification is yet to be conducted. Skepticism surrounds the authenticity of these alleged extraterrestrial specimens.

In both cases, more concrete evidence is needed to shed light on these phenomena. With ongoing data collection by NASA and potential independent testing of the specimens in Mexico, we may eventually gain a clearer understanding of these enigmatic objects and claims.

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