A pub in Japan has begun spraying all its customers with alcohol and disinfectants prior to them entering the pub.
A bar called Kichiri Shinjuku in Japan has taken it upon itself to fight against the COVID-19 by opening its business to the public, however, in return, they spray the customers with disinfectants for 30 seconds straight. Is this really helpful?
The bar has also begun providing the customers with maps of sitting and standing areas as they enter the bar, limiting them to only a small area where they can hang out and enjoy the pub. In case this wasn’t restricting enough as opposed to just staying home in order to be safe, the pub provides its customers with QR codes that they can tag through their phone, and order their drinks online.
All in all, the pandemic is still going on and therefore it is difficult to declare winners and losers for the battle that the whole world has been facing, however even days into the public health crisis, based on the steps that each country took, it became clear which countries would have better outcomes and which ones wouldn’t.
Japanese people rated their authority’s response to the COVID-19 very low. Some would even argue lowers than American people have rated Donald Trump’s actions, but despite their collectivist population of 126.5 million, only 16,000 residents contracted the virus, almost 14,000 of which have already recovered.
But the high results of Japanese COVID-19 numbers are due to on-point quarantining and restricting the public. With the city and entertainment centers reopening, could Japan become the new New York, where people surge to the streets as soon as the restriction has been lifted, exposing them to contraction of the virus.
While Japan sprays its partiers to control the spread of COVID-19, across the globe, US introduces COVID-19 surcharge to deal with rising food costs.