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George R.R. Martin’s Story Will End Differently Than Game of Thrones

George R.R. Martin plans to give Game of Thrones a different and hopefully more satisfying ending in his book series.

Many die-hard Game of Thrones fans were, while on their toes, mainly upset throughout the last season. Even George R.R. Martin, co-creator, has something to say about it. The author of the Game of Thrones book series plans on finishing his story a bit different than what the TV show offered.

Hints for Martin’s Ending

Martin writes on his blog some clues as to what his ending of his huge series might look like. Considering some characters from the book series were neglected in the TV series, we’d get to hear more from these and become even more entranced in the story. Also, some plot differences would make for a possibly more satisfying and enjoyable ending for fans.

“How will it all end? The same ending as the show? Different? Well…yes. And no. And yes. And no. And yes. And no. And yes.”

“There are characters who never made it onto the screen at all, and others who died in the show but still live in the books ”

One thing is for certain, Martin’s Game of Thrones will end much differently than what creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss decided. The books will incorporate what the show failed to produce and do it in a way that does not leave fans frustrated and confused.

When Will We See This?

Unfortunately, when these last books will be finished is unknown. Some of his books have taken considerable time, such as A Dance with Dragons, which took six years to complete. Fans may be waiting a long time before they hear Martin’s ending, but hopefully it will be worth the wait.

I find it interesting how the author of this story–the original creator–ultimately had little say in how this TV series would end. Perhaps Martin will give fans what they want in a spectacular ending and leave the TV creators wishing they had followed his guidance.

After this unfortunate ending of the TV series, maybe instead of wallowing, fans will consider getting a jump on the book series.  

Want to hear what the actors had to say about the ending? Check out this interview to see their disappointments.

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