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Health & Wellbeing

Study Finds Eating Chilli Peppers Can Make You Live Longer

A study done in the USA has found that chili peppers can prevent several diseases.

Featured image credit: Pikrepo

A study conducted in the USA has found that eating chilli peppers can result in a person being twenty-five percent less likely to die prematurely from illnesses such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. 

The research discovered that capsaicin, the anti-inflammatory component in chili peppers which gives them their heat, provides several benefits for our health. 

The scientists have said that this ingredient possesses antioxidant abilities, could help to stop inflammation and prevents blood-glucose levels getting too high. This means the capsaicin could also reduce the severity of many other conditions, such as diabetes. 

The research included using data from studies carried out in Iran, China, Italy and the USA.

CREDIT: Pikrepo

The study was lead by Dr Bo Xu, a cardiologist at The Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. He spoke about the study, saying: “Regular consumption of chilli pepper was associated with an overall risk-reduction of all-cause, cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality.”

Whilst the study shows a clear link between eating chilli peppers and reducing the risk of certain diseases, it is still much too early to say to what extent chilli peppers can help us. 

Dr Xu added: “The exact reasons and mechanisms that might explain our findings, though, are currently unknown.

“Therefore, it is impossible to conclusively say eating more chilli pepper can prolong life and reduce deaths, especially from cardiovascular factors or cancer.

“More research, especially evidence from randomised controlled studies, is needed to confirm these preliminary findings.”

A nutritionist from Pennsylvania State University and the American Heart Association, Penny Kris-Etherton, added: “I think the findings are really quite remarkable, actually.

“There were associations with multiple different diseases and endpoints.

“The authors found benefits of chilli pepper consumption on all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality and cancer mortality.”

Lovers of all things spicy can now enjoy their chilli peppers twice as much, knowing they’re both making a dish tasty and helping them live longer. 

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